5 Signs Your Foundation Is Failing
A failing foundation is a sign that your house is in dire need of some significant work. If left unattended, minor problems in a foundation can become rather serious ones, so it is best to take a proactive stance when it comes to fixing your foundation. You should be aware of common signs of foundation failure so that you can have your foundation repaired or replaced at the very first signs of trouble.
Cracks In The Exterior Brick
If your foundation is failing, your house will be shifting greatly. These shifts can cause the bricks in your exterior to start cracking. Examine your home's exterior brick for cracking, which is caused by unstable soil and problems with your foundation in general.
Windows and Doors That Don't Fit Properly
The windows and doors in your house should fit properly within their frames. This means that they should open and close easily. If you notice that your windows and doors have started to stick, this might be due to foundation issues. Foundation problems causes the interior walls to shift, which causes window frames and doors to compact, causing sticking.
In addition, loose windows and doors can also be a sign of foundation issues. Doors and windows should not easily swing open when shut in place.
In addition to improperly fitting window and doors being a sign of foundation failure, they can cause heat and cold loss in your house, raising your energy bills. When you discover your windows and doors don't fit properly, determine if foundation failure is to blame, and if it isn't, fix your problem windows and doors anyway.
Cracked Foundation
A cracked foundation is probably one of the easiest problems to spot when it comes to issues with your foundation. Be on the lookout for ruptured cement or other integral portions of the foundations, things that might seem insignificant such as hairline cracks (which can develop into much larger problems if not treated properly and quickly), buckling of the foundation walls and floors and moisture stains or pooling water.
Cracks in the foundation can cause your drainage system to shift underneath the soil, causing water to improperly drain and, as such, exacerbating the problem with your foundation. The problem is much like a pendulum, going back and forth.
Warped Ceilings and Sagging Floors
A telltale sign of foundation failure or damage is a warped ceiling or a sagging or sloped floor (or, in many cases, both). You should also keep an eye out for spaces that are ever growing between the walls and the floor or the walls and the ceiling, this too is an internal sign that your foundation is failing.
With a level tool, you can easily check to see if the slope of your floors and ceiling are consistent from room to room. If you do not have a level tool readily available, you can use any heavy ball to check to make sure your floors are even. Place the ball in the center of the room. If the ball moves or rolls around, you have sagging floors, which could be indicative of foundation failure.
Cracked Or Buckling Walls
A settling property is usually nothing to particularly worry about. All buildings are designed to accommodate for the building itself settling. Excessive settling, however, can be problematic and can be indicative of the fact that your foundation is failing. Be on the lookout for any cracks and buckles in your walls. These tend to appear in the upper ranges of the wall, so check them thoroughly.
Foundation failure is something that you should be acutely aware of. It is highly recommended that you constantly are on the lookout for these problems and give your foundation a monthly "once over", which is to say check up on it to make sure that these problems do not exist. For more information, contact a local foundation repair company.